========== Quickstart ========== Run SSDP discovery from shell ============================= .. note:: SSDP works by sending and receiving multicasts. This sometimes requires elevated permissions. If you get an error trying to use these commands, try running them as ``root`` (for example, using ``sudo``). Discover services using SSDP ---------------------------- Searching for the special service type ``ssdp:all`` should return answers from all active services. .. code-block:: sh $ ssdpy-discover ssdp:all Discover a specific type of service ----------------------------------- Specify a different service type to only get responses from relevant services. For example, if we want to find all `DIAL`_ services (e.g. Chromecast devices): .. code-block:: sh $ ssdpy-discover urn:dial-multiscreen-org:service:dial:1 .. _DIAL: http://www.dial-multiscreen.org/ Run SSDP Server from shell ========================== .. code-block:: sh $ ssdpy-server my-special-service --location '' SSDP Discovery from Python ========================== :class:`ssdpy.SSDPClient` .. code-block:: python from ssdpy import SSDPClient client = SSDPClient() SSDP Server from Python ======================= :class:`ssdpy.SSDPServer` .. code-block:: python from ssdpy import SSDPServer server = SSDPServer("my-special-service", location="") server.server_forever()