
Run SSDP discovery from shell


SSDP works by sending and receiving multicasts. This sometimes requires elevated permissions. If you get an error trying to use these commands, try running them as root (for example, using sudo).

Discover services using SSDP

Searching for the special service type ssdp:all should return answers from all active services.

$ ssdpy-discover ssdp:all

Discover a specific type of service

Specify a different service type to only get responses from relevant services. For example, if we want to find all DIAL services (e.g. Chromecast devices):

$ ssdpy-discover urn:dial-multiscreen-org:service:dial:1

Run SSDP Server from shell

$ ssdpy-server my-special-service --location ''

SSDP Discovery from Python


from ssdpy import SSDPClient
client = SSDPClient()

SSDP Server from Python


from ssdpy import SSDPServer
server = SSDPServer("my-special-service", location="")